Friday, October 02, 2009

New Orders!

Friday 2 October 2009

Well, finally! I just received an email with a copy of my new orders. I am to report to Heidelberg Germany next month, exactly as I had requested. After three years in the desert, I am totally psyched for a normal country with woods, mountains, and everything else. Hooah!

Now comes the fun part- figuring out how to get there. Ironically, the very day I posted the description of my little mini-Odyssey through the bureaucracy I started getting encouraging news that they might actually handle this in the way that makes the most sense to me - going straight from here to my next assignment without being required to go back to CONUS first to demobilize.

I am going to act on that premise until somebody gives me a convincing reason to do otherwise.

There's not really anything I can do today, but I will get started on the process as soon as I can reach the right people to get the ball rolling.

Mood: Happy.
Music: Ideal - Keine Heimat (Die Amis Kommen)


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